vrijdag 19 augustus 2011

It's been a while.......

Ow I know, it has been to long time since my last post.... A lot happened and we have been very busy with looking for another house, our cars and meetings, spending time with lovely friends, enjoying our holidays and sadly spending time with my beloved dad who's cancer came back. Last year he got non-hodgkins and thanks to chemo he got better but now it came back and he is back on chemo. We have good hope....
Yes, we also did some vintage hunting and we brought back a lot of stuff to our house. That's one of the reasons why we are looking for a bigger house. :) We also need more space for our cars. Now we found one that could be perfect for us, and we are going to try to buy it. This is also why I am "cleaning" up my house and sell the things I don't use anymore.
I am also going to sell a lot of my vintage clothing. Dresses, shoes, bags, thingy's...... I will keep you posted, or check my Marktplaats. My sellings
Our holliday was great. We went to France (again) and did the Normandie-tour. It was the first time we went with the pick-up. Last year boyfriend sold our camper and bought a camper-unit for the pick-up.

I know, it doesn't look that great from the outside. But the inside is cool! Next time I will post photo's of the inside. We had a lot of thumb's up when we were on the road. Next time a holliday special!
That's all for now.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Looking forward to the pics of the inside - fabulous! I also need a bigger house! Scarlett x

  2. When I don't get a bigger house fast I will come in one of those programms where they are decluttering houses for people who cannot walk around in their own house anymore. :D

  3. Fantastic to see you back!Sounds like a lot has been goign on allright!
    The new camper is brillant,would love to see the interior!!!

  4. I think the van looks really cool, have you seen the book released this season called "Cool Campervans" by Jane Lewis. I reckon yours could of been included.

    Sorry about you Dad, cancer is such a bitch, I hope the treatment goes well.

    We are trying to collect caravans over the winter to have ready to sell for the spring/summer but its like yourself space is an issue. I am going to speak to someone about storage hopefully.
