donderdag 29 september 2011

A fast one. :)

I am sorry that I didn't stop by your blogs lately but I (we) have a good excuse for it.
We are trying to buy a house.....
Before we went on holiday it came on sale. We went looking at it when we came back, and it was just the right place for us.
So we made an offer and they said yes (after a day) and now we are looking for a good mortgage. We have some-one who is checking everything for us.
It is a very exciting time for us. When everything goes right we can move in before X-mas. :)
I am happy, but also very stressy.

That's all for now, and next time I will stop by again and I will also show you my new coat. ;D

5 opmerkingen:

  1. wow das sind ja wahnsinns neuigkeiten!!!ein hauskauf!!! wie exciting!!! ich hoffe es geht alles gut und ihr könnt bald im neuen heim einziehen;)
    love and kiss,mary

  2. Good luck with the house! How exciting.
    That picture is fabulous, what a hottie. x

  3. I hope it all works out for you good luck!

    E :)

  4. I know exactly how you feel, there are not enough hours in the day at the moment xx

  5. Good luck with the house, so exciting! Scarlett x
